Discipline and Agile
Working agile means you need to be more disciplined, not less! Think it’s one of the main reasons why is it so difficult to implement Scrum… Read More »Discipline and Agile
Working agile means you need to be more disciplined, not less! Think it’s one of the main reasons why is it so difficult to implement Scrum… Read More »Discipline and Agile
Forget old company structure - it doesn’t support growth! By the way did you notice that clients, customers or users are never represented in organizational… Read More »Value structure
Was making presentation at http://agiledayriga.lv/ and after discussions with other speakers completely understood that we are on the right track. Here is my previous post that shares some… Read More »Org. design: value structure
I want to share my view on what problems are created by functional departments and hierarchical structure. Only organizing your company around value can solve… Read More »Organizational design - problems
I was covering “Process and Responsibility” topics in my last post. To finish my analogy with Football Coach i want to suggest three main aspects… Read More »Conclusion: When and Why to Fire a Scrum Master?