Was making presentation at http://agiledayriga.lv/ and after discussions with other speakers completely understood that we are on the right track. Here is my previous post that shares some problems from this theme. Brief description:
It’s very easy to become hierarchical and turn into a “bank” when software company is growing fast. Is there a way to avoid that? How to keep the focus on value creation? What about Value departments, not Functional departments?
Want to share ideas what we can learn from Scrum and apply in organisational design. Will share hypothesis how company could look like when everybody is focused on value creation.
Main highlights
- Frederick Taylor was right long time ago, but things changed…
- Things changed - stop using Scientific management
- Create Value departments, not functional departments
- Create Helping departments for unique expertise and knowledge which serve but not control
- Change overall mindset from Control to Serving
- Introduce more alternatives and competition
- Make it difficult to hire a manager
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