Platform regulation
Stumbled upon very interesting article and here is the part related to personal data: Prof. Shoshana Zuboff from Harvard says that personal data should be treated… Read More »Platform regulation
Stumbled upon very interesting article and here is the part related to personal data: Prof. Shoshana Zuboff from Harvard says that personal data should be treated… Read More »Platform regulation
I noticed a funny thing. Sometimes I choose to buy a product because it costs more than alternatives. I do this for a number of… Read More »Price and Behaviour
The global data monetization market size was valued at USD 1.30 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate… Read More »The world’s most valuable resource today is Data
If you follow Crypto and Financial topics recently you will find many articles discussing this question - “If Bitcoin is a new gold?” FxEmprire article… Read More »Data is the new gold
The list of biases that sound very familiar to many of us: Representative bias leads to a snap judgment on a question based on its… Read More »Biases - how do you overcome them?