Watching objectified film generated lots of insights for myself about product design -
People are talking about physical objects, but lots of good things can be applied to software development either.
Here is the definition of a Good design provided by Dieter Rams:
- must be innovative
- must make product useful
- is aesthetic design
- will make product understandable
- is honest
- is unobtrusive
- is long-lived
- is consistent in every detail
- is environmentally friendly
- is as little design as possible
Also during a film you notice such repetitive behaviour of those who design products:
- how much time they spend on prove of concepts, so it would be possible make changes easier and cheaper, try things out and gather feedback
- keep asking the question if this is going to solve the problem of the user
- desire to design things that get better with use
- desire to create products that reflect users behaviour, not trying to change it
- desire to understand users context. getting out of the room concept