1. Wardley Maps
About situational awareness and strategic planning. This includes, why maps matter, how to map, some common economic patterns useful for prediction, common forms of doctrine and the concept of context specific gameplay.
Video: https://vimeo.com/189984496
Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/swardley/an-introduction-to-wardley-maps
2. Boiling frogs
GCHQ’s internal Boiling Frogs research paper on software development and organisational change in the face of disruption - https://github.com/gchq/BoilingFrogs
The pace of disruptive change is increasing, from the rise of cloud technology, social business, the Internet of Things and others. We feel it as much as other government departments and so we offer this internal research paper publicly, not to present policy or guidelines, but to stimulate debate.
So why the title “Boiling Frogs?” The story goes that if a frog is placed in a saucepan of cold water, which is slowly heated, the frog adapts its body temperature to the changing heat of the water and gradually goes to sleep. The frog goes to sleep at 40 ˚C, unaware that at 100 ˚C it will boil! However, if the frog is placed in already boiling water it immediately jumps out to safety.
p.s. other people who made a significant influence - http://agilemindstorm.com/2015/05/12/people-that-made-great-impact-on-my-thinking/