We always want to know future especially when it’s related to delivery of complex software projects. I personally failed in making plans almost always in my career, but improved myself in planning: setting boundaries, watching trends, adjusting often, planning very little ahead, changing direction completely and more…
Also realised that creating too much overhead in formalizing plans and decision making slows you down and reduces motivation in making changes in the plan. We need to change fast and often (at least in certain types of activities) for the following reasons:
- uncertainty
- variability
- imperfect, incomplete knowledge
- chance
- chaos
- volatility
- disorder
- entropy
- time
- the unknown
- randomness
- error
- variety of outcomes
- unknowledge
- simplification of activities
- optimism
Probably any person who wants to have a very good plan
must have some checklist with things mentioned above which helps to evaluate context. And the more “yes” you have for you context than less formalised plan you should have, adjust it often and shift faster towards network organisation.