What manager does? Their main focus is not on people performance and their efficiency, not about rules or KPIs. These are tools that are selected or built with your team. Instead their focus is on value creation, environment and principles.
Want to share ideas how i manage for some reasons:
- it might be helpful to others
- it is extremely curious to me if my point of view is going to be different when i read it later
- learn from others so comments and feedback are welcome
Environment. Results are very important, but we won’t be successful as a team unless each individual is fulfilled.
Style. “Ask. Understand. Change.” Process is only a tool, understanding your business is essential. Go out and talk to people. Adjust to business demand and make changes fast.
- Humor (sometimes even rude) is a big part of the game.
- Direct person. This is my natural behavior. I expect this from my team.
Problem solving. When a challenge is presented, bring along several solutions, one of which does not include spending (more) money. Always try to understand root cause - why, why, why,…
Meetings. Book a meeting only if it can’t be avoided. Prepare, engage invited people, come out with actions.
Professionalism. High internal standards push me to do things in a best way possible. Same is required from team members.
Learning. “Experts” can ruin everything as they are not accepting new information. If you are not changing and learning new things than something is wrong with you.
Change. Processes, tools, structure must always be adjusted to business needs
Winning. My definition of “winning” is that everyone wins: employees, customers, users.