….Army that defends the country can be of three types: own, allied, hired or mixed. Allied and hired armies are useless and dangerous as you can’t use them as solid foundation, such armies can be as dangerous as enemy during a war - they will use your resources during a peacetime, but will not sacrifice their lives in times of danger.
Allied armies are dangerous as stronger partner will use the victory for their benefit, not yours….
Of course it’s not about war, but about building strong and successful company. Even though i made several points for myself keeping in mind context of a fast growing company working on a complex product.
- Keep unique and core knowledge or experience inside the company
- Spend effort on educating and training your team
- “Hide” core functionality behind APIs
- Outsource repetitive, mechanic, support or experimental activities that your team is not interested in. Give your team time to focus on core things and building API