While I was in a ITSpring conference in Minsk I participated in interesting assignment during talk of startoplan.ru owners. This assignment again showed me the power of visualization.
Assignment itself is very simple:
- Draw your team/company in 1 year (in silence, not shapes but something meaningful). You have 15 minutes
- Give your picture to a neighbor
- Facilitator start asking simple question - what is missing on the picture? And the fun begins 🙂
These guys’ findings after doing this assignment hundreds of times are following:
- 90% of people forget money. It means that money is not a motivator and no one cares about that?
- If there are money on the picture it’s completely unclear where do they come from and why clients are paying
Btw, I was missing money in my picture too, you can see it below 🙂
Do you have the same findings after playing similar games?