Information below is from „Do Better Scrum“ – special tips and insights. You can download it from I just want to use it for references in my posts 🙂
The daily Scrum meeting is one of the three primary inspect and adapt points in
Scrum. The team meets to communicate and synchronise its work. Since the team is
collaborating, this is essential to ensuring continued progress and avoiding work
blockages. The team will also continuously assess its own progress towards achieving
its sprint goal.
The daily Scrum meeting is NOT for reporting progress to the ScrumMaster or Product
Owner or anyone else. The Product Owner may attend provided he is well-behaved,
which means speaking only when he is spoken to! The ScrumMaster makes sure,
using all her skills, that each team member has signed up for some work for the next
24 hours, that this work is directed solely at helping the team as a whole deliver the
next item in the backlog and that any impediments to doing this work are bulldozed
out of the way as fast as possible. The ScrumMaster also ensures the meeting is
restricted to 15 minutes, which, surprisingly is ample time.