So called shopping data feeds are being used among following big service providers. Top shopping providers:
- Google's shopping site: Froogle and Google Base Bulk Upload File
- Yahoo Shopping
- ShopZilla
- PriceGrabber
- Kelkoo
- PriceRunner
- Enclick Shopping channel
- Amazon
Ecommerce web sites
Most popular ecommerce platforms: OSCommerce, X-Cart, Magento, eCorner - have product feeds built into their admin systems already, for some there are modules available to add if you are not running their full solutions package. Quote.
Is there a standard?
I was looking for some kind of standard for product feeds. Even though posts are quite old, but i didn‘t manage to find anything up to date on this topic yet:
According this information standard was developed in year 2006 by ARTS, but I don’t know if everybody is compliant with it (most probably not everybody). You can read about it more here.
All similar service providers have different XML formats although following product attributes could be identified as common among different product types:
ProductID - unique product ID
ProductName - the name of the product to be displayed
ManufacturerID - unique manufacturer ID
ManufacturerName - the manufacturer name of the product
Description - short description of the product
Category - the name of the category with which product is associated
SubCategory - the name of subcategory with which product is associated
OriginalPrice - the original price of the product
CurrentPrice - the price with discount
Currency - the currency code of the price
Link - link to a product page
Other attributes are mostly treated as optional or custom.
Topic related links for reading
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